Month: February 2010

Cod and Avocado Tacos

Sometimes I look at the grocery store circular and it’s all I need to know to plan dinner.  That’s happened earlier this week when Central Market included the following in their sale offerings: cod, tortillas (made fresh in the bakery and still warm when I put them in my shopping cart) and avocados.  Hello simple weeknight!

So, as the second installment in the Fish for Fridays series (also known as my Lenten offering), I want to share with you my first baked fish recipe.  Truthfully, it was the first time I’ve ever baked a fish at all, recipe or not.  (I’ve seen Kirk do it, so I wasn’t entirely flying blind and referenced several cookbooks to get an initial estimate for cook time and temp.)  The result: success! Read More


Corn Fritters with Smoked Salmon Crème Fraîche (and a delicious vegetarian alternative)

Corn Fritters with Smoked Salmon Créme Fraiche

With the start of Lent last week I find so many around me abstaining from meat, either every day until Easter or, as is more traditional among my Catholic friends, on Fridays.  And, while I still think it a little odd this sacrifice doesn’t typically include fish (let alone chicken stock or beans made with ham hock) I recognize we each show reverence in our own way.

With this in mind, I’m adding a new offering for the Lenten season: Fish for Fridays.  Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t consider a wonderful vegetarian meal.  But I eat seafood, usually a few times a week, and know how truly delicious it is.  However, as this is the first of my Lenten series (and I didn’t even get it up on Friday), I will include an absolutely amazing vegetarian alternative. Read More


Jambalaya with Zucchini and Summer Squash

In the Golden Triangle, people joke that growing up in East Texas is about the same as growing up in Western Louisiana.  Certainly there is no shortage of crawfish, Catholics or cajuns.  And, given that Mardi Gras season comes to an end tomorrow with Fat Tuesday, it only seems appropriate that I share a vegetarian adaptation of a very traditional Creole dish.

Jambalaya is Louisiana’s version of paella.  Traditionally it is made of three parts (meats, vegetables and rice) cooked in stock.  Most often chicken and andouille sausage are used for the meat, though, since childhood, I’ve always preferred Jambalaya made with shrimp to its meatier counterparts.  In parts of central Louisiana it’s not uncommon to find the dish made with crawfish, oyster, turtle or alligator. Read More


Gingered Baby Carrots

Gingered Baby CarrotsRecently I planned to spend the evening dining out at local fave Dolce Vita to celebrate a friend’s birthday.  But then, in a rash decision inspired by both the economy (dining out is so expensive) and the desire for a relaxed, festive celebration I found myself hostess for a dinner party for nine.  The only challenge: dinner was to commence in less than six hours!

Thank God for good friends, especially those with incredible talents!  L came to the rescue with an offer to “whip up” what turned out to be a fantastic mushroom lasagna, guests brought perfect breads from the bakery and a variety of wines, especially Italian, to complement the meal.  The only thing still needed was a couple of side dishes to round out the evening.  And, of course, L’s neighborhood famous cupcakes.  (Simple but perfect chocolate with buttercream icing on this chilly Friday evening.) Read More