Tag: mint

Gingered Baby Carrots

Gingered Baby CarrotsRecently I planned to spend the evening dining out at local fave Dolce Vita to celebrate a friend’s birthday.  But then, in a rash decision inspired by both the economy (dining out is so expensive) and the desire for a relaxed, festive celebration I found myself hostess for a dinner party for nine.  The only challenge: dinner was to commence in less than six hours!

Thank God for good friends, especially those with incredible talents!  L came to the rescue with an offer to “whip up” what turned out to be a fantastic mushroom lasagna, guests brought perfect breads from the bakery and a variety of wines, especially Italian, to complement the meal.  The only thing still needed was a couple of side dishes to round out the evening.  And, of course, L’s neighborhood famous cupcakes.  (Simple but perfect chocolate with buttercream icing on this chilly Friday evening.) Read More