Meat-Less, Fill-More

Love to cook a protein powered meal?  If meat is typically the center of your table, we invite you to participate in the Meat-Less, Fill-More challenge.

Meat-Less, Fill-More

It’s commonly accepted that vegetarianism can improve health, especially cardiovascular.  It’s can also make  hugely positive environmental impacts.  However, none of that matters if you aren’t eating meals that you find satisfying.  Enter Meat-Less, Fill-More.

The Meat-Less, Fill-More challenge is a call to those of you who often plan incredible meals around animal proteins.  Take a step back, get creative, and share with the rest of us, your most satisfying vegetarian meal.

Some of you who love nothing more than a rack of lamb or a whole-roasted suckling pig, have already confessed deep-founded adoration of potato curry and grilled mushroom quesadillas.  And I can’t wait to hear your recipes!

Sign Up!

Interested in having your Meat-Less, Fill-More recipe featured on T-Bones and Tofu?  I can’t wait to read it – and make it myself.

Sign up is easy:

  1. Decide on a dish you’d like to share and list it on the registration form.  (You’ll need to let me know a date by which you’ll send your recipe, a photo and a short write up about the dish.)
  2. Cook your vegetarian dish and write a brief description of what makes this dish a hit with meat-eaters.  Take some good pictures of the dish.  (Or if you don’t have any photos of the food, send one of yourself.)
  3. Share the recipe and photos with me along with pertinent links to source recipes and references.
  4. Tell all your friends your recipe is going to be published!  I’ll let you know the date in advance.

Take the Next Step.

If you’re up for it, I invite you to take it one step further and join the Meatless Monday movement.  It’s simple:  commit to eating meat free one day a week.  You’ll do your body and your Earth a favor!


  1. Your Opinion Counts « T-Bones and Tofu - March 17, 2010

    […] Meat-Less, Fill-More […]

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